It’s essential to include everyone at the wedding so that nobody feels left out.
Your wedding is one of the most important days in your life. If you’re planning your second wedding you or your spouse-to-be may have children from previous relationships. It is good to include your future stepchildren in the wedding. This helps to make sure that the family starts off its new journey on the right foot. The ages of the children will help to determine how to include them in the wedding. However, it’s essential to include everyone in the wedding so that nobody feels left out.
Younger Children
Young children are easy to include in the wedding. Most small kids enjoy being part of the wedding and will thrive on the attention that it brings. A young child may be a ring bearer or flower child. Keep in mind, however, that very small kids will need supervision. If you’re uncomfortable with the children’s mother you’ll need to make arrangements with an aunt or grandmother to care for the kids throughout the day. Be sure to include children, even the young ones, in photo opportunities.
Teen Children
Teens and tweens may be experiencing mixed emotions when it comes to a new parent. For this reason you’ll need to take some care in helping them deal with the wedding in their own time and own way. Invite these older children to assist in the wedding in any way possible. Girls may be junior bridesmaids while boys may be groomsmen or ushers. Always include teen girls in the wedding shower and in the planning process itself. Teens can be given various tasks to help with the wedding and to give them a sense of being included.
Adult Children
Adult children sometimes feel the most left out of second weddings. It’s important to include them in the plans as well as their children, if there are any. Inform adult children about the upcoming nuptials before letting outsiders in on the plans. You’ll also be able to ask them for help by giving them small tasks to complete. If the kids live far away you’ll want to be sure to make travel arrangements for them to make sure they can attend the wedding.
Family Portrait
One of the best ways to include stepchildren in the wedding is simply through acting as though they are all part of the immediate family. Never keep them out of family situations. A family portrait is the perfect way to start your new life together. Include all the stepchildren (and their spouses) in the photo. Then, have a large copy made and display it proudly in your home to show that all the stepchildren are welcome members of the newly blended family.