Be ready for any problems before they arise.
Your wedding day is the most important day in your life and you want to make sure it’s perfect. Of course, simply hoping that the day will go smoothly won’t help when a problem occurs. The best way to deal with wedding day beauty bummers is to prepare for them in advance. The bride is the focus of almost every photo on this special day and all eyes are on her every movement. Be ready for any problems before they arise.
Keep a Beauty RX Kit Handy – Have a friend or family member hold a beauty fix up kit for you. Include makeup, makeup remover, hairspray, safety pins, hair pins, and an extra pair of earrings. Then, whenever needed, get your kit and make a quick repair.
Assign a Friend to Your Makeup – While this may sound a bit odd, it’s actually a great idea. Your friend should be on the lookout for any beauty problems (makeup melts, hair frazzles, etc.) As soon as one occurs she can grab your attention and head to the ladies room where you can quickly and easily repair the situation.
Hair Problems – Your wedding day hairstyle is likely a very important concern. Your hair is likely in a special style for your wedding and it may be one that you’re not used to. Buns come undone, curls may uncurl, and the hairdo can simply fall down. If you encounter a hair problem it’s best to have a backup plan. Consider a slick pony tail style as an alternative to a hairdo gone wrong.
Melting Makeup – If it’s hot (or you’re simply stressed) your face may get heated and cause your makeup to run. If your makeup starts to drip you’ll need to act fast. Have some blotting towels on hand (some paper towels will do in a pinch) and blot your face in small sections at a time. Don’t rub or swirl but instead simply press the towel to absorb any water. Then, apply some mineral powder lightly and reapply some blush and you’ll be good as new.
Fading Face – One problem with makeup is that it tends to fade away after a while. Since the day is a long one you can expect that your makeup will be gone at some point in the afternoon or evening. To avoid fade-out spray some makeup fixative on your face after you apply your makeup. Then, check your makeup frequently and reapply as needed. Keep in mind that lipstick usually fades much more quickly than foundation or eye shadow.