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Looking for clear and radiant skin? Look no further than your fridge

You are what you eat

Looking for clear and radiant skin? Look no further than your fridge

If you want healthy, glowing, radiant skin on your wedding day, you don’t need to shell out big bucks for expensive spa and laser treatments. The basic building block to beautiful skin is no further than your own kitchen.

In addition to proper skin care and sun protection, what you eat also plays an important role in the health of your skin. Getting the right nutrients will help you maintain both a healthy body and healthy skin – and it’s as easy as choosing the right foods.

Focus on the nutrients from the food examples listed below. These foods contribute to radiant-looking skin, help prevent aging and reduce the damage caused by the sun’s UV rays.

VitaminRoleFood sources
Vitamin C • An anti-oxidant that scoops up the free radicals created by the sun’s harmful rays• Also helps to build collagen, promoting quick healingfrom a burnOranges, berries, guava, red and green peppers, kiwi 
Vitamin E• An anti-oxidant that improves skin texture anddecreases wrinklesVegetable oils, wheat germ, nuts and seeds 
Vitamin A• An antioxidant that maintains and repairs skin tissue Carrots, avocado, cantaloupe, broccoli or any bright coloured vegetable or fruit 
Biotin• The basis for skin, nails and hair cells. Low biotin intake can lead to dermatitisBananas, eggs, oatmeal, meat and poultry 
Zinc• Important in wound recovery and plays in the rolein healing from sunburns Beef, peanuts, wheat germ, bran 
Omega 3 fatty acids • Important for general health and may be beneficial for skin conditions like eczema Fatty fish (salmon, trout, sardines), ground flaxseed, walnuts 
Fluids• Helps flush the body of toxins and is a key part of skin tissue• Also helps re-hydrate on hot days or when skin becomes sunburned  Water, low-fat milk, unsweetened soy beverages 

Smooth skin smoothie


  • 1/2 cup orange juice
  • 1 cup low-fat yogurt
  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 guava or kiwi
  • 1/2 cup mixed berries
  • 1 tbsp wheat germ


Blend all ingredients together. Add ice if desired.

Enjoy as a snack or to start your day in the morning!

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